Thursday, July 29, 2010

Heller from the bicycle storage

Heller from the bicycle storage

Modern bicycle lamps surprise with a very bright light. Especially in dark night of the difference pa3287u-1brs battery to old Hallogenlampen can no longer be overlooked. The reason is the LED technology.

Pitch-black night with no lantern lighting has become rare in Germany, but they still exist. In larger cities there are parks in the country less traveled roads where the bike becomes a danger. Then can only imagine the surroundings, the light of the bicycle lamp schummert weak and can not illuminate the road or the road sufficiently. At the same time one is hardly aware of oncoming traffic - the result of numerous bicycle accidents each year.

See and be seen - modern bicycle lamps provide greater security. "LED lights are much brighter than conventional bulbs," confirms Sebastian Bohm cycling of the journal Active. "The manufacturer Bohm & Müller has measured for its LEDs 300 percent more light than the halogen lamps own."

Many lamps light up to four times brighter than that of the Road Traffic Regulations (Road Traffic Licensing Regulations) required 10 lux - and with a much larger field of view. "Some of the non-road licensed plug-in models can indeed compete with Xenon lights of cars. This one could even hide a BMW ", the bike testers.

But be careful: do not "Plug lamps of the Highway Code Highway Code, which clearly requires a dynamo lamp before," warns detective superintendent Sebastian Schmidt, spokesman for the police headquarters in Leipzig. Only road bikes weighing under 11 pounds may use the pa3356u-3brs battery plug-in lamps in traffic.

Driving with such lamps plug is a traffic offense, which could be just as occupied as cycling without lights by a fine of € 10, the police spokesman on. "Normally we leave it, but with a verbal warning, unless, unless there are further deficiencies or the driver is under influence of alcohol."

"The small light-emitting diodes have been made in recent years, a technological leap," says Guido Mueller, managing director of the bicycle lamp manufacturer Busch & Müller. Instead of a filament, the light is therefore using the semiconductors produced. This saves energy with increased luminosity.

Especially lovers of the plug lights should feel the economy - in good LED bulbs the batteries must be recharged less often. In addition, some models have two levels of brightness. In city traffic, the lamp can be on the legally required 10 lux luminosity of return, in the dark park can then be switched to full power.

LED lamp is not the same LED bulb. According to Bohm bike tester, there are large differences between the manufacturers. "The lamps vary massively in light of the image illumination and light distribution." These are the sometimes higher prices also quite justified, Bohm. "The Active Cycling price-performance winner is also the reason Lumotec Cyo-IQ SP (near field) of Müller & Busch has become." 89 €, the buyer must allow for the lamp, however. By comparison, the winner, toshiba battery the model of Edelux Schmidt Maschinenbau (SON), costs 139 euros.

The large difference between the LED bike lights are according to B & M's Managing Director Mueller grounded in the complex technology. "It's not just the LEDs themselves, much depends on how well the technology to the small round lights are installed," explained Mueller. Importance of the electronics, which the LED is supplied with energy. "The difference is, however, the right mirror technology in order to use the light from the LED as efficiently as possible."

The brighter bulbs are more and more followers. According to B & M's Managing Director Mueller, the halogen models are still the lion's share of sales. "This is mainly due to higher price of LED lamps, the necessary effort, is due to the higher production," according to the manufacturer. "However, the LEDs are catching up year after year."

In future, the police are allowed to deal the most often with a new problem: stolen LED bike lights. Here try satellite a105 battery to counteract the manufacturer already. "With prices of at least 50 €, we must" provide security for our customers, confesses Müller. Then one is working on special wrenches, "so that the joy of new light not only of very short duration."